9-24-2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes


Special Board Meeting

September 24, 2021



Lowell Hagen called the meeting to order at 8:00 AM.
In attendance: Lowell Hagen, Norm Prusener, bob Strand, Jorja Boiley

Bob Strand made a motion to accept the agenda as written, Norm Prusener seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Norm made a motion to accept the Minutes for the 9-8-2021 board meeting, Bob seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Lowell Hagen made a motion to keep Carl Ahrens’s health insurance as it stands until a different program can be selected, Norm seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.


Since Burr Oak Road has deteriorated, a request for a bid for the project will be placed in the local newspaper. Bids will be accepted until Thursday, October 7, 2021 at 5:00 PM.

Bob Strand indicated that Rock Road informed him their project is expected to exceed their bid by $2000.00. The Grand View project is completed.


An initial budget discussion centered mainly on the expense side. The Board is still waiting for some quotes to be submitted: fire/ambulance, insurance and garbage/recycle service.

Norm made a motion to allow Carl to hire a part time snowplow driver at a rate of $25.00 per hours, the motion was seconded by Lowell Hagen, the motion carried unanimously.


Lowell made a motion to limit the dollar amount that can be spent per occurrence without Board approval:

Board member: $500.00
Clerk/Treasurer – $500.00
Public Works Superintendent – $1,000.00

The motion was seconded by Norm Prusener and the motion carried unanimously.

Lowell made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 AM, the motion was seconded by Bob and the motion carried unanimously.


Respectively submitted by Jorja Boiley Clerk/Treasurer